Monday, November 17, 2008

Talkin' "Bout Walkin'/Woodside Village Church-GDWTW 11/08


I'm happy to report that my lack of staying in touch has been
caused by a prolonged wave of creativity that has resulted in a
new body of work . Those close enough to know what has taken
place in my personal life over the last couple of years may rest
assured that I have grown from the inside and have learned much
about my "self" in the process. I'm sure we can all relate as to
what a couple more years of life experience can do! I do feel
great fortune that I am able to chronicle my episodes and add
rhythm and melody. This is what I have been immersed with...A
flood of empowerment through trying my best to face the B.S.
while and determining what to clear out.

The album title of the new release is "Expose Your Self"
Suggestive, as is the song of which this collection of new tracks
is centered around. But rather than thinking of the inappropriate
behavior of some decrepit character in a rain jacket, I identify
the inappropriate self-destructive behaviors of denial,
procrastination, and fear as items that hold many of us back. At
best we can strive to give our best to our loved ones and society
in general which is crying out for the "light", or, more simply,
that thing we all require EVEN MORE THAN hot

Ah,Love. Love and it's many facets -romantic, familial,
self, lost...

Yes, "Expose Your Self" is my take on the above mentioned issues.
Musically, I am accompanied by Grant Slam on drums, AJ on bass (2
tracks) and my son Zach on keyboards.

Lyrically I am accompanied by my heart which, through it's
incessant beating, has helped to give me a chance to open up a
new chapter... This set of songs might make you think at times of
what it would have been like to hear a collaboration between Jimi
Hendrix and The Beatles in 1968-69. Intriguing? No?

My father Ernie, who was a full time swing band drummer in
the 1940's before starting a family, joins me on one track
for the first time ever on what we call "lap drumming",
literally speaking. My mother (Marie) has added her vocal
talent on the title song, and sounds even more angelic than
usual... I am a lucky music
guitarist/bassist/programmer/man to have utilized my time to
create this record which, I hope, will add some beauty to
the musicscape and inspiration to stretch beyond self-
imposed barriers.

The talented German-born painter Silke Henkel-Wallace of Palo
Alto is in the process of creating the primary cover art and
Sandy Taylor of Santa Cruz will be lending her talented eye to
blend the art forms to create an enticing package. I feel lucky
and blessed to have these talented artists join with me to create
memorable images for Expose Your Self. You can see Silke's work
on her website at

Sneak Peek of music?..Go to my YouTube Channel by clicking

WHAT I CAN DO FOR YOU: I am focused as never before to create and
perform music and evolve as an artist. One way to understand how
I see things is that with nature being perfect, everything and
everyone has a purpose. I'm using the gifts I've been given and
and doing the best I can with them. I offer to you uncontrived
music with passion, warmth. The music industry is not as it used
to be. Since things have changed there is little chance to have
the luxury of being backed by a record label and being given time
to develop over a matter of years or series of records. Music
artists must be more resourceful than any of the Iconic artist of
the past that still touch us today. In todays climate and economy
many bands and artists that have influenced our lives and are
tied in with our memories because they made "music that matters
to you" would not be given the opportunity to reach a wide
audience as quickly as days gone by because that model is out the
window! The U.S. in particular is especially cold when it comes
to the necessary support of it's artists. Music and other art
forms are not expendable activities. Artists chronicle humanity
through a chosen medium and help us to see who we were, are and
who we can be. They help us to remember the beauty and sometimes,
the terror of our existence on this earth. Never was the value of
being an artist more apparent to me as it was while visiting some
of the great museums in Europe.

What I hope to have the chance to do is speak to you through
song. I want to create music that matters to you RIGHT NOW! Help
me build a community based around the themes of which I sing :
inspiration, passion, compassion, personal evolution, love.

WHAT YOU CAN DO FOR ME: I ask that you support me in this however
you can- attending shows, purchasing my music so I can make more.
I can't do this alone. With all of the hope that this country
will 'turn it around', I appeal to you to take the opportunity to
help me take the gifts I've been given to the next level and you
will know that your belief, support will help to foster something
we will all be proud of. I want to create something that MATTERS
RIGHT NOW! I have a plan in the works that will reward those that
step up at this vital time. I will post this plan in the next
communication of "Walking The Walk".

I am also seeking business connections to help build a team. If
you are, or know someone who is connected to the entertainment
industry, please drop a message or refer me to the right person
and I will be glad to follow up.

PRE-ORDERING your copies of the "EXPOSE YOUR SELF" CD will
provide the best support I can ask for to complete this project
and help get me to Europe to follow through on a life long dream
of cultivating a true international audience.

The sum total I am looking to reach but will obviously be better
off with more: $10,000

This will cover- manufacturing of Expose and a second Expose Your
Self(acoustic), computer hardware, travel to Europe, touring
expenses, grant writing, etc. PR work (publicist) is key yet
expensive. Aforementioned total will not fully cover effective
campaign. Any ideas? Let me know..

Thank you in advance for your thoughtful support! I am creating
the best work of my life right now and look to keep up the pace.
Again, I can't do this alone! Nor would I want to!!

Lookin' For Something from "EXPOSE YOUR SELF:

Preview Concert Woodside This Saturday November 15 7:30pm

Woodside Village Church has generously opened their church
sanctuary for us to put on a concert this Saturday night.

This is a beautiful site for such an event and will be unique
because volume levels will be kept to a minimum and we will be
performing some of the new songs for the first time in public.
Never mind the music stand which I will stick closely to for
comfort...This really about a new beginning.

Drummer Grant Slam, bassist AJ (Artis Joyce) and my son Zach will
join me in this live music event as they have in recording
sessions for the "Expose" project. However this is a different
challenge and result sought. We hope you will come out and
support us on what will be a great evening of entertainment and

Woodside Village Church: ht

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